Tabitha Mpamira founded EDJA as an independent NGO to combat child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence in rural Uganda when the rape of a child there brought home her own experience. Mpamira, Rwandan by nationality, grew up in Uganda as a refugee. She has lived in Michigan, USA, for the last 21 years, holding a Ph.D. degree in Psychology.
Mpamira’s work has been recognized by Global Citizen, where she won the People’s Choice Award in 2018. She spoke at the Vatican, TEDx, UN, Now This to end sexual violence.
Three migrations, rape, and witnessing the impact of the Rwandan genocide could break the soul of any little girl. At the age of 14, she moved to the States with her family to finally find refuge but felt rejected by many. Including other blacks. Instead of succumbing to the many obstacles, she faced, Empowering conversationZ guest Tabitha Mpamira overcame them while building a coalition to support others in her home country.
In our 25th episode or Empowering conversationZ podcast, Tabitha talks about:
Her immigration journey
Her struggles as a teenage girl learning to hate herself
Facing the trauma, she once experienced
How EDJA was born
Her journey in creating her non-profit organization for the rape victim and her many achievements
Her healing journey through EDJA
Why EDJA merged with Nyaaka Global
Her TEDx talk “Trauma not transformed is trauma transferred” is by far one of my favorite ones. It makes me think about the baton I Am passing on my child every day, Something we discuss heavily during our conversation in the interview.
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