Are you a perfectionist? Do you interact with one as a manager or a spouse? If so, you want to listen to this special episode of Empowering conversationZ. I delve into distinct types of perfectionism, causes, advantages, and disadvantages, along with many solutions to mitigate the pain for both the perfectionist and one who interacts with a perfectionist regularly. All, according to research!
Here is a glimpse of the podcast.
According to clinical psychologists Flett and Hewitt, there are three types of perfectionism: self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed.
While perfectionism is on the rise, those raised with strict parents have to be more mindful of perfectionism’s struggles and raise kids willing to try unfamiliar experiences and fail more.
While the majority consider perfectionists highly focused achievers with solid attention to detail, creating impeccable products, they are flawed in many ways. Their constant desire to receive approval from others and their lack of internal satisfaction because of lofty standards they set for a product or a work cause them immense stress, leading to low efficiency and burnout. If not developed, perfectionists procrastinate and abandon ideas before conception due to the pressure they put on themselves to create a “perfect” outcome. They are usually weak team players, holding up work because of their low trust for others.
One of the biggest challenges perfectionists come to me is their slow growth, inability to decide about a career path, strained professional and personal relationships, and more.
What should we do? In this podcast, I offered many insights, including developing compassion for self and others, following 80% rules, and choosing tasks appropriately. Ultimately, professional help with someone who has expertise in the area is the best way to succeed long-term in creating desired outcomes while living a happier life.
To hear the complete episode, click on the link below and subscribe
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What was your favorite take away? Who will you share this episode with? perhaps a perfectionist friend? or someone that is learning how to deal with your perfectionism?
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