Michael Takamura migrated with his mom from South Korea when he was 5 years old.
The two of them struggled!
Leaving behind family, personal business, a house with maids, and drivers to live in a single bedroom apartment was not a simple decision, mainly because they had no family or friends and couldn't speak English.
But they had no choice. Michael remembers those days.
He remembers hearing his mom cry through the nights, wondering if she made the right decision. What if she stayed and tolerated the situation. But as a tiger mom, she persisted, and she pushed Michael to achieve.
Together they bought a chicken restaurant where Michael helped his mom after school. He lifted chicken boxes and played the manager's role when his friends went out to play baseball. He missed dad. Money was a constant challenge. Having to translate for his mom, he first learned about depositions and the legal systems at 16 when one of their employees filed a claim. There was no other choice but to step up!
The chicken business, his mom's brainwashing strategies, and Michael's hard work resulted in him becoming a forensic psychiatrist with a degree from Harvard. Their arduous life helped Michael develop a simple approach to life and happiness. During our interview, he shared their struggles in detail and his main guiding principles that resulted in his joy and peace. Michael has many messages for parents with young immigrant kids. He believes adversity builds character and aims for a less perfect life.
Listen to Michael and his uplifting energy for life and learn many lessons to be a peaceful immigrant.
To hear Dr.Michael Takamura's complete interview, click on the link below and subscribe on YouTube, iTunes or Stitcher to be updated on other successful immigrant stories. You can also follow me on Instagram for daily tips on growing in your career.
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Are you struggling with Covid-19 and you are in search of solutions to immigrants common problems. If so make sure you listen to my special episode where I share many insights on entertaining kids, managing your stress and becoming more efficient while working from home. and Don't forget to download the cheat-sheet that comes with it!
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