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Mehran Sorourian
Celebrating Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month, a time to celebrate the contributions of women throughout history and to promote gender equity and...
How to Work With a Perfectionist
working or living with a perfectionist can be exhusting at times, here we provide you with insights on ways to interact with a perfectionist
Refugee Creating Refuge for Sexually Abused Children
Tabitha Mpamira founded EDJA as an independent NGO to combat child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence in rural Uganda when the...
What You Need to Learn as a Minority Leader
Dr.Magda Marquet is the first woman inducted into the Connect Entrepreneur Hall of fame. San Diego business journal names her one of the...
Shabnam on our Immigration Law and It's Shortcomings
Shabnam had a dream of becoming a lawyer to fight inequality. Graduating in 2011, she wondered whether or not starting her practice was a...
Surviving Intense Hardships using Refugee's Method
One of favorite Empowering conversationZ guests was Homa Taghizadeh a woman born and raised in Afghanistan, the country that women’s...
Dr. Doris Baker's Guide into Learning a New Language
Dr. Doris Maria Luft Santos Baker was born in Brazil and migrated twice before coming to the States, learning 4 languages and...
What lead to Salma's Success as an immigrant?
During my interview with Salma Sarwary (episode 2), she shares a snapshot of her immigration journey where she witnessed a man being...
Biggest Challenge of Femigrant in Leadership
Are you a woman with difficulty speaking your mind personally or professionally? Do you tolerate until you erupt like a volcano and speak...
What to Do When Passed for Promotion?
Were you surprised about not getting promoted to the point of writing your resignation letter? I hear you; it’s difficult. We all want to...
Perfectionism: How to Manage our Newest Disability!
Perfectionism is turning into the new disability. Recent research by Curran and Hill (2017) has shown perfectionism to be on the rise for...
Challenges of Career Women; Going back to work after baby or Stay home?
Are you coming from a culture that taking care of kids is mom’s primary job? Are you debating between staying home or going back after...
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