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Mehran Sorourian

Why Cross-Cultural Communication matters?
You may know how to speak English, but are your communication skills up to date? Cross-cultural communication is the exchange of...

Tips for immigrants to Improve their Communication Skills
Mehran is a communication coach helping countless immigrants and minorities improve their communication skills and their presentation...

Immigrant's guide in Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever felt like you don’t belong, that you are an imposter waiting to be found? If so, during the 44th episode of Empowering...

Unheard Story of Deaf Immigrant
Communication is one of our biggest challenges as an immigrant. But exactly how big of a challenge it is for someone born deaf and had to...

Immigrant's Guide in Climbing the Corporate ladder
Dr. Nelson Chau is a successful immigrant with contributions in discovering and developing multiple pre-clinical RNA-based therapeutics....

Decode your team culture with J.P Millon
As an independent director of CVS Caremark Corp. and a retired president and CEO of PCS Health Systems, Inc, Jean-Pierre Millon has over...

What You Need to Learn as a Minority Leader
Dr.Magda Marquet is the first woman inducted into the Connect Entrepreneur Hall of fame. San Diego business journal names her one of the...

Perfectionism, Know it and Manage it in yourself and in your relationships
Perfectionism and ways to succeed

Dr. Doris Baker's Guide into Learning a New Language
Dr. Doris Maria Luft Santos Baker was born in Brazil and migrated twice before coming to the States, learning 4 languages and...

How to Succeed as an Immigrant: Dr. Nelson Chau
Dr. Nelson Chau is a successful immigrant with contributions in discovering and developing multiple pre-clinical RNA based therapeutics....

Biggest Challenge of Femigrant in Leadership
Are you a woman with difficulty speaking your mind personally or professionally? Do you tolerate until you erupt like a volcano and speak...

What to Do When Passed for Promotion?
Were you surprised about not getting promoted to the point of writing your resignation letter? I hear you; it’s difficult. We all want to...

A Unique Way To Create Connections!
Are you planning to meet someone that has an unusual name which makes you wonder about their country of origin? Do you want to stand out...

Are You Looking For Work? Ways to Initiate and Improve your Job Search
My son was sleeping in the back seat. I took our exit and as I approached the stop light, I saw a man holding a sign “Looking for work!”...

4 Techniques to Boost Your Energy During tough times!
Exactly a year ago yesterday, I got to proudly participate in my first election as a U.S citizen after 16 years of residency ! How...
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